Enterprise software: Key figures for 2021

Entreprise software

Enterprise software is on the rise, but what do we really know about its implementation? Lemon Learning compiled Key figures for enterprise software in 2021, covering: the state of digital transformation in companies, the objectives of digitalization, leading software, and the challenges of deployment. 

Where are companies in their digital transformation journey? 

Digital transformation within businesses is accelerating. In 2020, the Covid-19 crisis was a catalyst for digitalization for companies around the world. In a global survey of executives, 60% adjusted their approach to change management and accelerated process automation, while 64% shifted to more cloud-based business activities (IBM Trending Insights).

The Cloud plays a special role in digital transformation in terms of the huge flexibility it creates for Saas users and their tools. In fact, 91% of IT managers say the Cloud has played an important role in accelerating digital transformation in 2020 (Cloud Industry Forum).

ERP, CRM, Digital Workplace…where does enterprise software deployment stand? 

Just like digital transformation, business software deployment accelerated in 2020 following the Covid-19 crisis. Communication software, Digital Workplace, CRM, and ERP were all digital solutions put in place to respond to the maintenance of remote activities. 

Key figures to remember: 

  • Communication software: Interest in communication software increased by 46% (Appvizer).
  • Digital Workplace: 40% of companies recognize that lockdown and mandatory teleworking were triggers for launching Digital Workplace projects (source: Archimag / Jalios).
  • ERP: 50% of companies considered ERP a driving force in digital transformation (source: IDC France – Cegid).
  • CRM: 50% of mid-sized companies say that the crisis has accelerated the deployment of tools to improve the customer experience and transition to digital marketing (source EY).

What are the objectives of digital transformation? 

Digital transformation is on the rise and can no longer be viewed as a passing trend. According to a study by IDC France and Cegid, companies have clear expectations: 

  • Optimization of the organization (60%).
  • Improved employee performance (59%).
  • Increased agility (57%).
  • Cost control (47%).

But to achieve these objectives, there are fundamental challenges to overcome first. 

Business digitalization: what are the challenges? 

The digitalization of companies comes with many challenges: 

  • Implementing change management.
  • Training employees.
  • Supporting users in real-time.
  • Measuring user satisfaction.

In short, digital tools are still too complex for companies and their users. So how can you overcome the challenges accompanying digital transformation?

User support to facilitate adoption

More than 1/3 of companies consider the need for support to facilitate employee digital adoption, notably because of a lack of internal resources. (Source: ACSEL).

Employee training for increased self sufficiency

81% of companies have not implemented training to support their employees in digital transformation (source: ACSEL). The problem? Software training is fundamental to employees and their mastery of digital tools.

Optimize access to documentation

According to Microsoft Dynamics 365, 86% of users expect a self-service support option. The lesson? Users prefer to access their support independently and on-demand. This is especially true of embedded application support, which provides users access to documentation in real-time. 

Measure user satisfaction to adapt:

More than 1/3 of IT managers do not measure user satisfaction in their company. (IDC – EasyVista). Unfortunately for them, user feedback is the cost effective and efficient way to continually adapt tools based on their user experience and business challenges.

Digital transformation in companies: how to support change? 

Change management is the foundation of any sustainable digital transformation project. It is composed of 2 fundamental points: training and communication. In practice, this manifests itself in several ways: 

  • A communication plan applied to the various stakeholders of a digital transformation project, in order to gain their support.
  • Training provided from the first use of digital tools onwards to prevent skills obsolescence in the face of constant technological developments.
  • Continuous support for users thanks to application support. 

But how far have companies come in supporting digital transformation

Training to support digital transformation

Training is important, and therefore consists of several modalities. According to the ISTF, 51% of organizations have a training offer that is mostly distance-based or blended learning. And that’s not all.

With digital transformation, more and more companies are turning to Digital Learning. Nearly â…“ of companies are switching to Digital Learning to improve the pedagogical effectiveness of their training and be more responsive to business challenges (ISTF). 

In addition, it’s interesting to note that the first motivating factor of learners is the match between training objectives and business challenges according to the ISTF.   

Supporting users to promote long-term software adoption

Support for users is far from trivial. And for good reason, adapted support allows users to be more comfortable with their digital tools, and therefore to take better advantage of them on a daily basis.

60% of users believe that a better digital experience will improve their daily efficiency (Source: Nexthink, Vanson Bourne)

After the user onboarding phase, most of this support is provided by user support. In this regard, companies that use self-service and live channels resolve 32% more tickets (Zendesk). This is a significant figure when you consider that reducing the number of tickets has a direct impact on the optimization of support costs. 

In short, digital transformation in companies is on the right track! If companies know why they want to implement this transformation, it’s essential to think of digital transformation as more of a human transformation than a technological one. To succeed in this transformation, it is fundamental to support and implement change management, whether it’s through training, support, or communication. This is precisely what digital adoption platforms such as Lemon Learning can do, by guiding users step-by-step through their software, directly inside their digital tools. The result? Less frustration for your users and increased adoption! 

